Centre for Economic Digitisation

Centre for Economic Digitisation

Last modified: 17. November 2022

One of the keys to economic growth is the implementation of technology-driven, systemic digital developments and the strengthening of the domestic infocommunication sector. Accordingly, the Centre for Economic Digitalisation aims to develop digital competences in education, research and consultancy that will increase competitiveness of students, employees and businesses alike. The departments that make up the centre will also act as a bridge between modern disciplines, as follows.


Department of Applied Informatics

​​​​​​​One of the most important of the many tasks of the Department located in Gyöngyös Campus is the
supervision of the higher education programme in Software Information Technology and the teaching of a significant part of the subjects within this programme. Students have the opportunity to build and program a wide variety of robots within the frames of Robotics Study Group.

Department of Engineering Informatics

The Department operating at Gödöllő campus plays a significant role in the applied informatics education and research of students of mechanical engineering as well as agricultural and food engineering courses at bachelor and master levels. In addition to the development of a sound engineering approach a strong emphasis is placed on the acquisition of skills in the use of modern

Department of Mechatronics

The primary task of the Department at Gödöllő Campus is to take care of the mechatronics engineering BSc course and to teach a wide range of subjects in this field as well as to carry out related research tasks. The control and regulation of industrial and agricultural processes,
automation and the extensive application of robotics are central to teaching and research.

Department of Engineering Management

Located in Gödöllő the main objective of the department is to provide undergraduate and master’s degrees in engineering management and related subjects, primarily for engineering students. Students and employees will be able to manage the material, technical, IT, financial and human processes of various types of production and service enterprises and to participate effectively in related projects, including the establishment and implementation of development processes.

Femtoscopy Laboratory

The Femtoscopy Laboratory is located on the campus in Gyöngyös. The primary research
task of the knowledge centre is the measurement of distance and time in various particle and nuclear
physics reactions and processes. The laboratory also aims to bring the Institute of Technology to the frontline of international research projects and field of study.
